I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams
You are here each day with me, at least that is how it seems.

I know you wonder where we are.....what' s taking us so long,
But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong.

Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin...
Because tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind .

May God hold you in his hand until I can be with you,
I promise you, my darling , I 'm doing all that I can do.

Very soon, you'll have a family for real, not just pretend.
But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.

May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight.
And let the angels bring the kisses that I send to you each night.

-Author unknown

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Prophetic picture of Wendy?

Check this out! My friend Bree gave us a card a month or two ago - sometime late Sept or early Oct (sorry - can't remember). She drew a picture of a little girl. She recently told me - "I just drew it, I kind of felt like it was more than just drawing it, but I didn't know if that was me just me being hopeful and excited. Anyway, my point being was that I drew that wisp of hair from her bangs, which I don't think I usually would've done, then the pig tails but that could've been any little girl....just thought it was interesting, I prayed that God would have me draw the right picture. I didn't know if that would mean just a sweet little girl or your future daughter. . ."

Check out Wendy's pic that was on the orphanage website -

We wondered if this is what our little girl would look like. Well, after seeing the picture of Wendy - check this out . . .

For those that haven't seen the other pics of Wendy - I'll try to post them here too. For some reason it is letting me upload pictures today. :)

September 2005

September 2005

September 2005March 2006

October 2006

Hopefully in the future I can get more "happy" pics from this shy girl. :)

Have a great day!

Lori :)

ps - Thanks Bree for the beautiful card!

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